Wednesday, September 18, 2013

Follow your passion....

Testing... testing... ah.... ah.... ah... is this mic on?!

I know I'm jumping into a saturated field of beauty blogs but I can't help myself... this is what I love and find obsessively interesting. I am a firm believer that beauty starts from within and I'm just trying to make sure I am the most beautiful I can be both inside and out. I love trying out new products and many products that I'm going to review may have been on the market for some time now. I'm not about buying the newest thing but am more about being the best informed consumer. I do a lot of research on the products that I wish to purchase before making the plunge because I feel that we should all be good stewards of our finances. I also try to make sure I take time out for myself to reflect and improve in areas that need development. My life motto is... "I'm a work in progress... just trying to find my way"

I feel that I have gathered quite a bit of knowledge through research and experience and I hope that you will find something of use on this site or at the very least I hope that I can provide some sort of entertainment.

Thanks for coming along with me...!


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